Virtual Book Tour featuring Never Give Up: How Determination And God Gave Me A Better Look at Life

A Compelling Memoir Sure to Touch Your Heart. VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR ANNOUNCEMENT

Outskirts Press announces a call for host bloggers and websites for a Virtual Book Tour featuring Never Give Up: How Determination And God Gave Me A Better Look at Life.   

About the Tour:
To participate in this Virtual Book Tour, please reply to this e-mail indicating your interest in being a tour host. The author can supply material to be used, including cover image, author photo, detailed book information and sample interview questions/answers.

Never Give Up How Determination And God Gave Me A Better Look at LifeAbout the Book:
Don’t ever tell Jenny Maher (An Air Force Veteran) that something is impossible. She will prove you wrong! Click to Purchase on Amazon

Never Give Up is the inspirational story of her life and her fierce determination to live it on her own terms. “After waking up paralyzed from the neck down, with no family support or place to live, I had to live in the Veterans hospital/nursing home in Denver, Colorado. My goal no matter what therapists told me was to get around in a manual chair and live independently.”

Dealing with abuse and neglect, she felt the only way she would survive was to fly to a VA Spinal Cord Center in Memphis, Tennessee. Alone, and with only two backpacks of belongings she took a chance. This novel not only depicts her struggles as a quadriplegic, but growing up; from living in foster homes, dealing with mental illness, to getting shot in the mouth, which resulted in jail time. But in the end, it was her faith in God that saved her – a story that will truly touch your heart.

About the book:
Never Give Up by Jenny Maher
ISBN: 9781478759140
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Date of publish: November 2105
Pages: 142
S.R.P.: $14.95

Click to Purchase on Amazon

About the Author
Jenny Maher now lives in Richmond, Virginia, where she lives independently. But most importantly she found out she was not alone. God was with her, and after opening her heart to Jesus Christ, was Baptized. She has become passionate in painting, while working on a Christian Devotional.

