Sofia Diana Gabel – Neanderball Book Spotlight


The front cover of Neanderball by Sofia Diana Gabel

Published January 15, 2024

Geneticist Lucien Roux’s cutting-edge experiment to clone Neanderthals blurs lines between ambition and ethics after the clones are stolen and forced to play a brutal and violent game dubbed Neanderball. Haunted by the realization that his hubris overpowered his morality, Lucien knows he must fix what he’s done.

Racing against time as a military faction and a sinister adversary close in, he has one chance to expose the real reason his research was taken. With his ex-Marine girlfriend, he sets out on a dangerous journey to save the Neanderthals before it’s too late. It’s an all or nothing fight for redemption, leading to a showdown for his survival, and freedom for the Neanderthals. (92,000 words)

Purchase Neanderball


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About the Author, Sofia Diana Gabel

A photograph of author Sofia Diana GabelI’m a multi-genre author and have been writing for as long as I can remember, and try to attend as many writing workshops and conferences as possible.

I was born in Sydney, Australia, but have lived in the United States for most of my life. I have two undergraduate degrees in archaeology and environmental resource management (wildlife biology) and a master’s degree in public archaeology, as well as a host of courses in writing, editing, and even criminal justice. We can never learn too much, right?

In addition to writing, I absolutely adore traveling. I’m definitely a wanderer at heart and find it hard to settle in one place for long. And why should I? There are so many places to explore!

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