Interview with the Best Paranormal Children’s Book Author Carolyn Watson Dubisch

Carolyn has been receiving recognition for her success as a children’s author, most recently taking first place for Best Paranormal Children’s book with Alien Farm, Scary Stories for Kids. I was lucky enough to have the chance to interview Carolyn and ask her some questions about her creative process. When asked how she finds unique storylines, Carolyn shared: “I always start with something that interests me, and then I just let my imagination run wild. I enjoy exploring new ideas and finding ways to turn them into stories that children can relate to while still being exciting and fun.” It is clear from the awards she has received for books such as The Horribles, After The Robots Died, and The Dragon in The Closet that this strategy continues to pay off. I am excited to see what stories Carolyn will come up with next!

This Author Interview was a great opportunity to learn more about Carolyn’s creative process and get inspired by her success. It is amazing to see the power of imagination and how it can be used to create unique and captivating children’s books. We look forward to seeing what comes next from this talented author!

Carolyn Watson Dubisch, Author and Illustrator, is no stranger to storytelling. She has been writing and creating comics for over a decade, bringing vibrant characters and imaginative stories to life with her pencils. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Carolyn recently to discuss her creative process and how she approaches crafting compelling narratives.

During the interview we asked Carolyn to tell us about writing “After The Robots Died”, how did you come up with the premise?

Carolyn Watson Dubisch said: I spent much of lockdown planning this series and starting to write it. The idea of telling a story about a planet that humans colonized by “seeding it” with embryos have always fascinated me. It is actually the most possible way for us to colonize other planets. Then taking that idea and formulating it for a YA audience obviously meant making all the characters still children.

I am a big fan of science fiction and horror and while I have introduced horror themes into my other books I have yet to do sci-fi until now. It has been challenging but a lot of fun. I had to research possible exoplanets for the colony and try to discern how long it would take for travel. Also visualizing the sky from an alien world based on what I knew about the chosen planet has been fun and interesting.


I think all authors have challenges during the writing process, we asked Carolyn what part of the book did you have the hardest time writing.

Carolyn Watson Dubisch said: The hardest part was getting past the world-building and getting to the story I wanted to tell. Sci-Fi is complicated because you need to understand the world to follow the story, but you need to have action and a story for anyone to bother to keep reading.

Of course, to follow up we had to ask what part of the book was the most fun to write.

Carolyn Watson Dubisch said: Once I realized this needed to be the story of a missing child it really came together. Kids wander off in supermarkets and at festivals. As a parent it happened to me numerous times, but what happened when they wander off track in a hostile alien planet?

Interviewing an author we always love to learn about character development which of the characters does the author relate to the most and why?
Carolyn Watson Dubisch said: I relate to Leda the most. She is only 10 years old and has to step into the role of mother and parent when their robot mother shuts down for good. She feels wholly unprepared and struggles with her new role.


Meet the Author Carolyn Watson Dubisch

Carolyn Watson Dubisch is an award-winning author/illustrator of 16 children’s books and just the illustrator on four children’s books with various authors. She also writes and illustrates comics for kids. Some of her comic book series include “The Horribles”, “After The Robots Died” and “The Dragon in The Closet” (winner of the Literary Titan Silver award). Her book “Dragon Stones” also won the Literary Titan Silver Award and “Alien Farm, Scary Stories for Kids” just won first place for Best Paranormal Children’s book and second place for Best Children’s Illustrations in the Firebird Book Awards.

She currently lives in a house by the beach in Mazatlán, Mexico with her husband and youngest daughter. She also has a very old dog and four Mexican street cats who make life interesting every day




After The Robots Died, Issue #1: Rey Rabbits

After The Robots Died is a new comic book series from Carolyn Watson Dubisch for kids and teens.

“Arriving as embryos and raised by robots, a colony of children on a distant planet struggles to survive when the robots who raised them to begin to shut down.”

Full of mystery and strange aliens this series is an inspired cross between “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and “Ender’s Game”.

It’s also being run as a webcomic with weekly updates on Tapas and on Tumblr.

Buy Now on Amazon

Where is “After The Robots Died”available?
You can of course get it on Amazon, but also Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers. It’s currently running as a webcomic with weekly updates on Tapas and on Tumblr


We asked Carolyn if she was planning a sequel, and to share a tiny bit about her plans for it?
The sequel has already been started. It’s called “The Eye in The Sand” . It is a fable told by the robots and ties in deeply with the overall story. Benji, the lost boy, will be found soon, but the rest of the children realize the alien threat is much greater than they realized.


Alien Farm: Scary Stories For Kids

Bright lights appear one night over a quiet farm. Animals whisked away into the darkened sky. Other-worldly visitors lurk in the corn. A wordless tale that changes this small farm forever and will have readers jumping at every light that passes by their window at night!

Winner of the 2022 Firebird Book Awards
1st place for Children’s Paranormal Books
2nd Place for Children’s Book Illustration

Buy Now on Amazon







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