Author Interview with Ashley Christin – Author of BREAK ME – TBX

Author Interview with Ashley Christin – Author of BREAK ME – TBX

908a7b66003c6f96d1b2481adde36ca5Tell us a little bit about yourself: : I’m a pediatric nurse by day and writer by night. I’m one of those girls who loves the state she lives in…Texas. My favorite color is pink. I love to make people laugh and to have fun, but who doesn’t?
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?: I’ve always enjoyed english and reading. About three years ago I found myself emerged back into books and thought, I have stories to tell! So i put pen to paper, or fingers to keys.
How long does it take you to write a book?: The book i just finished, Craving You, took me 4 months. I work full-time, so I mainly write on the weekends.
Do you have a favorite book or work that you’ve written? If so, why? : Craving You. I connected to the characters more. They forced me to grow as a writer and I love them for that.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?: What’s a schedule? My characters don’t believe in those.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?: I have to write while burning a wood wick candle. It’s a new obsession. They crackle just like a fireplace!
How do books get published?: I publish through Amazon.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?: Read. I love, love, love getting lost in a story. Besides that, I like to hang out with my boyfriend and friends.
When did you write your first book and how old were you?: I started writing Break Me during nursing school! It was insane. I was 27.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?: BMX came from the fact that my boyfriend use to ride BMX. All of my characters are based off of people i know, i may combine personalities as well.
What does your family think of your writing?: My mom won’t read it. She’s scared, but very proud of me. My granny read it and loved it, she wishes i would write something she can show off in church, but she always gives me unwavering support. Other than that, my family all thinks it’s pretty cool.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?: How the story can change COMPLETELY by the time it’s published.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?: 2. The second.
Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?: Just write. I know everyone says this, but seriously, WRITE. Everyday. Even if it’s nonsense.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?: Yes. They are ready for book 2!!
Do you like to create books for kids or adults? and Why?: Adults. I’m not sure how i’d go about writing a kids story…
What do you think makes a good story?: A solid plot. Something to pull the reader in and grab ahold of them and when they finally end the book, a little piece stays with them.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?: Cosmetologist.

Connect with Ashley Christin
Website :

About your book: BREAK ME – TBX book one

pro bmx story Break MeReturning back for the spring semester of college, Brealynn and her best friend, Kelsey, are ready to start a new chapter.
After the loss of their mother, Pro BMX rider Colt Taylor and his brother, Parker, hope to rebuild their lives by concentrating on competitions.

One night brings them together.
One night shatters it all.
Can they survive the break?

CRAVING YOU – TBX book two


Being around Parker Taylor is like walking a tightrope; the feelings of lust and hate come with the sway of my emotions. One foot in front of the other keeps my life balanced until he causes my steps to falter. One day, I hate his perfect self, and the next, I want to have his babies. He’s a bad habit I can’t allow myself to become addicted to …


Being around Kelsey Whitten makes my blood rush and not only south. One minute, I’m pushing her up on the bathroom counter, and the next, she’s cussing at me from those sweet lips of hers. One taste from her smart mouth and I’m sign-me-up-for-a-twelve-step-program addicted. She’s habit-forming and that doesn’t work for me …
What is one take-away from your book that you hope readers identify with? : The value of friendship and finding your soulmate.

