Author Interview with Skye McKenzie


We had a great time learning more about Skye McKenzie

Read below to learn more about Skye, her books, and her purpose

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

When I begin a writing project, it’s all-consuming. It’s as if my life goes “on hold” until it´s finished.

 What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I am teaching English in Saudi Arabia and I love the girls here. I love getting to know the culture and seeing amazing places. I love traveling in general … there are so many beautiful places and beautiful people in the world.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?  It was about 5 years ago, so not that long ago. I’ve always loved to write though… letters, emails, and I edited a magazine in New Zealand which I loved.I spent many years working in the advertising industry so most of my life I have written in some form or other.

What does your family think of your writing? Not sure really! I´ve never asked them!

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? I always learn more about myself and the subjects I´m writing about. Whilst writing this book, Tools to Transform your Tomorrow, I thought I was writing about the tools I knew and had already implemented into my life, only to discover that with a few of them I still had a way to go! We never stop learning and never stop growing. That´s the beauty of life. It gives you time.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Three. This is by far my favorite as I poured my heart and soul into this book and I was writing about practicle ways to change your life. Ways that certainly changed mine when I implemented them into my life.

Books By Skye McKenzie


The Inner Compass Workbook: Finding Peace Within.

Rechart your course and restart your life on a path that leads to an exciting new ­future… A future that is totally unlike your past! It is only when we are living in perfect alignment with the coordinates of our inner compass that we find fulfillment, living the life we love. It is possible for every ­person to know these coordinates and realign our course to experience a life of peace and joy. The Inner Compass Workbook will give you access to all kinds of tools and ­information that will help you navigate your way through difficult times with grace and poise. Start The Inner Compass Program today and navigate the process of change that is taking place in your life, one degree at a time. Discover how to live in the realm of the miraculous; a place of peace and joy where all things are added unto us. This workbook consists of a powerful introduction and 7 units: Unit 1: Finding Peace Within. Unit 2: The Value of a Healthy Self-Esteem. Unit 3: Identity and Freedom. Unit 4: Understanding Triggers. Unit 5: Thoughts become Habits. Unit 6: The Power of our Words. Unit 7: The Power of our Choices.


If you want to change your footprint … Change your shoes!

Peace of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of life. We ­become calm as we understand ourselves and the power of our thoughts and words. Deep and constructive thinking results in changed ­circumstances which will enable us to cease from anxiety, worry and ­sadness in order to live a life of true abundance. If you want to change your footprint … Change your shoes! is an adapted version of the original classic As A Man ­Thinketh by James Allen. It includes Skye’s wisdom and inspiration, with practical application notes at the end of each chapter. This little book will help you to understand your situation in life, clarify your thoughts and make sound decisions. It contains powerful truths that will change your life.


Gratitude Journal 2017

Gratitude opens the door for miracles. It is one of the most important virtues we can cultivate in our lives.

This journal consists of 74 plain, lined pages with inspirational words to remind us of all we can be grateful for. Words combined with faith and gratitude will guarantee radical results. There is something powerful about writing down our thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. Start this habit today and you will change your life.

This is also a great gift… a way to say thank you or a birthday or anniversary present. If you’re hosting an event, give one to all of your attendees. Give a gift that has the potential to change a life.


Rechart your course and restart your life on a path that leads to an exciting new future… a future that is totally unlike your past!

Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they Never give up! Even if that means putting it aside for a short time and taking a break… but always go back to it! Push through, persevere, do whatever it takes!

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? Many relate to my stories and many have told me that the tools have changed their lives. When I hear that, it makes it all worth while!

 Do you like to create books for adults or children…Why? Adults. I love to help people through their difficult times and see them come through on the other side!

 What do you think makes a good story? People like personal stories. They like to read about others who are going through (or have gone through) the same things they are experiencing in their lives.

 As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher. I always wanted to play ‘school, school’ and of course I always wanted to be the teacher. It took a long time for that dream to come to pass in my life though… almost 30 years.


How long does it take you to write this books? It took a year to write Tools to Transform your Tomorrows, on and off. I did take some breaks to travel, teach summer school, etc.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing? It´s very random. At times it feels like every moment I can, and then I take long breaks in between to recharge my batteries!

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? This book is about my own personal life and the lessons I have learned as I have journeyed through life. Navigating times of change and overcoming difficult times. It also includes simple truths that help make life easier.

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Tools to Transform your Tomorrows: How to make the best out of life before life takes the best out of you.

Are you struggling with times of change? Are your circumstances requiring you to make decisions that could bring radical changes to your life? Have you spent hundreds of dollars on self-help courses yet still feel a sense of frustration that you are not where you want to be?

Tools to Transform your Tomorrows will help you find clarity and focus, providing you with practical tools to enable you to adapt to your changing environment, find peace within, discover who you truly are, overcome fear, manage your emotions, and develop a healthy sense of self-esteem as well as an overall sense of confidence and self-worth.

After struggling through thirty years of painful searching for coping tools in all the wrong places, Skye McKenzie finally discovered what it meant to surrender. She has compiled forty-five tools that she has used to change her life, and now she wants to share them with you. Start today to implement the changes you need to unleash your true self and live the life you love no matter what is going on around you!


What’s next for you? What are you working on now? An inspirational book called, Own Your Tomorrows, with quotes from my book (that many have commented on) and beautiful pictures to inspire and encourage. More of a coffee table book.


Skye has been a guest on many radio programs in different countries around the world. She speaks about change and how to navigate times of transition, and her message of how to overcome Circumstantial Depression has been well received by many listeners throughout the United States.

Skye was a regular guest on Radio Rhema in New Zealand for eighteen months, providing a two-minute Thought for the Day, once a week.

Skye McKenzie was born in Zimbabwe but considers herself a citizen of the world as she has lived in many countries including South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, Singapore and Italy. Skye has a Bachelor of Theology Degree and a Certificate in Trauma Care. She has overcome many difficulties in her life and, through them all, she has discovered much about the process of change. Skye is an author and speaker whose passion is to help people navigate their own times of difficulty and change with grace and poise.

Her Story:

I grew up with very low self-esteem believing I was not worthy of love and acceptance. As a child, my mistakes carried severe consequences and by the time I was six years old I had already discovered that the safest way to live… was to hide. I even learned how to hide within my own skin. I hung my head, never making eye contact with people and my entire body language said, “I’m not here. Don’t talk to me. In fact, please, don’t even see me!” Strong messages of unworthiness and fear were written on my inner script. These messages dictated the way I lived; the choices I made and the way I behaved.

By the time I left school at the age of seventeen I had absolutely no idea who I was. I had spent too many years hiding. I had no personality, no sense of adventure, and I did not know how to have fun and enjoy life. The real me, an extrovert who had become so very afraid to be seen, was completely hidden beneath all the layers of pretense trying to be what I thought everyone around me wanted me to be. My entire life was a roller coaster ride as I desperately sought the approval of others to make me feel valuable; I was up when I sensed their approval and down when I did not. This created an addiction to people pleasing, to seeking a feeling of acceptance and approval. This way of living became my “situation normal”.

Eight years ago I found myself at the end of this roller coaster ride; this drama called life. Due to a series of poor choices, I found myself in a situation of intense loneliness and isolation. Left alone with my thoughts for weeks at a time I became incredibly confused about my life, not understanding how I could spend so much energy on trying to please people, and yet be so unhappy as a result. I began the process of peeling off all the layers of my faulty belief systems. One-by-one I was able to identify each limiting belief that had been written on my inner script and I set about changing them.  Every one was painful to face, but the freedom I experienced once I had faced it and dealt with it was undeniable.

I recognized that many of the choices I had made were a result of the inner messages that had been planted into my subconscious as a child. And as I peeled off the layers, going deeper and deeper, I began to discover the very core of who I was. The real Skye McKenzie as I had been created to be.

I understand now that it was those difficult times in my life that caused me to face what was happening in my life and become the person I am today. Every experience from my past has become the thread used to weave the rich tapestry of my life. I discovered that times of difficulty are really times of transformation. Opportunities to grow and change and become more authentic, more loving, more accepting of ourselves and others.

It is now my desire to help others overcome the debilitating pains of their past. To help others deal with those faulty inner scripts and rewrite them. To help others through their times of difficulty and transformation in order to become their true, authentic selves. It is only when we are living in perfect alignment with the coordinates of our inner compass that we will find fulfillment, living the life we love. It is possible for every person to know these coordinates and realign their course to experience a life of peace and joy.


